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Each time we step on the brink of technological revolution, the ways we used to do things cease to work anymore. And we have to get accustomed to new routines and thinking styles. However, tech advancements are not only a stress, they flare our horizons. Like it was with the telegraph, mobile phones, and internet.

The concept of a Digital Human is not an exception. In this article, we’ve dissected it, outlining the major hopes and hazards connected with the common use of the technology. DigiMate tailors Digital Humans, so read this article and get ready for your own one.

Ready to immerse yourself in cutting-edge trends? Let’s begin our journey.

What Is a Digital Human?

Foremost, let’s distinguish the notions. Digital humans are advanced virtual avatars that dupe real people in their appearance, behavior, and communication styles. Being a replica of actual human looks and personality, they simulate lifelike conversations to bring a more realistic experience.

In the end, those particular features make a digital human avatar an invaluable tool for person-to-person automated communications, which is especially valuable for businesses

What Do They Do?

The Digital Human’s capabilities exceed imagination. They handle any tasks that typically require human interaction:

  • communicate with customers through voice or text, responding to queries, providing information, and offering customer support;
  • assist with onboarding and employee training;
  • act as virtual guides or concierges in digital environments, hosting virtual events or presentations, etc.

Their purpose is to create more engaging and intuitive experiences by mimicking human traits and responses.

Where Are Digital Humans Used?

Digital human avatar concept is relevant across many industries, as soon as customer care and tuition are common for all. However, the main applications concern customer approach and human-digital interaction. Nevertheless, we believe the scope will soon widen soon, as AI popularity expands.

  • In retail and e-commerce, digital humans serve as virtual assistants, streamlining purchasing processes.
  • In healthcare, they guide patients through medical procedures, offering emotional support and information.
  • In education, digital humans are used as virtual tutors, providing personalized and interactive learning experiences.
  • In video games and movies, digital humans offer a more immersive storytelling experience through AI-powered virtual characters.
  • For marketing and branding, digital humans become brand ambassadors, engaging audiences on social media and in promotional campaigns.

In any industry taken, there are myriads of potential AI use cases. Delve deep into yours to find a unique way to stand out with a digital human.

Examples Of Digital Humans

Since the rise of AI, some companies have already developed digital humans, showcasing the potential of this technology.


Synthesia's avatars are generated by text prompts. You can program anything - from facial expressions to characters and voices. At that the results are hyperrealistic, leaving no space for critics. With a digital human avatar, businesses create presenter-style videos from a single input. Magic.

MetaHumans by Unreal Engine

Unlike Synthesia, MetaHumans by Unreal Engine make the difference. These highly realistic digital humans are crafted to simulate human appearance and behavior with exceptional detail, leveraging advanced 3D rendering capabilities.

MetaHumans are mostly present in virtual reality, video games, and filmmaking for immersive experiences as they cut down on the time and complexity of production.

Digital Humans by DigiMate

Typically the mix of various technologies is used to create stunning results. First of all, it encompasses:

  • obviously, 3D graphics and animation, including motion capture,
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP) to understand and generate human-like speech and text responses,
  • Machine Learning (ML) enables digital humans to learn from interactions and improve their responses.
  • computer vision and speech recognition and synthesis.

Yet more features will be added to the AI-powered digital human if needed and inquired.

What Is the Purpose Of a Digital Human Avatar?

Why do we love Digital Humans so much? No wonder, if we figure out their main pros:

  • they offer personalized services with engagement and empathy for any industry;
  • they’re scalable, reducing risks and automating workflows;
  • they’re cost-efficient since the models could be upgraded;
  • they’re accessible 24/7.

What Are the Risks Of Digital Humans?

Although Digital Humans offer many benefits, they also come with risks. As any technology has room for improvement, you should mind weaknesses and eliminate them in the process of development. For a mediocre Digital Human, there are the following risks:

  • Privacy Concerns. As Digital Humans collect personal data during interactions, privacy and data protection issues arise.
  • Ethical Considerations. You should consider the
  • Security. Like any technology, digital humans can be targets of cyberattacks, leading to potential data breaches or misuse.

The Future of Human Interaction

All in all, the Digital Human role is growing at a high pace. As technology advances, they may become more versatile and capable of performing complex tasks. In the future, digital humans could become a common standard for many industries, offering personalized and engaging experiences. However, addressing the risks and ethical considerations will be crucial to ensure that this technology is used responsibly and for the benefit of society.


Digital humans are AI-powered virtual avatars designed to interact like real people. They elevate everywhere they’re applied like customer service, healthcare, education, entertainment, and marketing. In general, a Digital Human Avatar performs tasks similar to human roles, such as answering customer inquiries or providing emotional support. However, they bring more benefits than real employees.

All together, the future of digital humans is promising. Want to join the trend? DigiMate is here to offer the most flexible solutions and plans. The future awaits!

Dmytro Dzandzava


Working on DigiMate, I marveled at how a team you believe in can change our world. When creating our digital personas, we believed in our idea, which allowed us to open our souls to the cause we love.